Advent Devotionals

Joseph: Bringing Up Jesus

Michael Moré Tribute

Michael More’ presented, “Joseph: Bringing Up Jesus,” the last message in the series entitled, “Called to Righteousness (Integrity),” and the last message for Fellowship Alliance Chapel’s Band of Brothers. Not much is mentioned in the Bible about Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, and the husband of Mary, but there is enough to show that Joseph was a righteous man of integrity. Joseph listened to the angel in each of his four dreams of the New Testament and obeyed God’s direction by marrying Mary and bringing up the Son of God as his own Son. Joseph was not afraid to obey God in the face of great shame and humiliation and he answered the call to please God rather than men. Michael challenged the men to put on the full armor of God and stay in the battle for righteousness; stay in the battle to win the souls of the lost. Only then can we be blessed to be used by God as He, in fact, saves souls and builds His kingdom. Alleluia! Amen