Advent Devotionals

Nehemiah: Leading by Example

Jim Hall presented, “Nehemiah: Leading by Example” during which he pointed out three attributes a Christian leader must have in order to lead effectively for Christ: love of God, love of His people, and willingness to step out of his comfort zone. Nehemiah displayed all three of those as he led people from a land of captivity back to Jerusalem, in order to repair the wall around the city which would fortify the city and the temple. God blessed Nehemiah’s efforts because Nehemiah consistently went to God in prayer and encouraged the people whenever trouble arose. Nehemiah instructed those he led that besides using the tools to do the physical work before them, that they should also keep their Spiritual weapons with them to fight off the enemy against all possible attacks that would keep them from completing the work God called them to do. The same applies to us today. We must always go about doing God’s work yet doing so while keeping on the full armor of God that He gives us for the battle.